Lama tak duduk depan laptop, taip panjang2,
Tuliskan semua angan-angan, pendapat bajet bagus dan cerita aliran zaman,
Sebab konon-konon sibuk dengan final exam
Padahal boleh je tahan mata sampai 4 pagi semata-mata demi The Mentalist
Boleh je guling-guling tak nak tidur sebab nak pergi daftar kolej awal
Manusia memang penuh alasan kan?
So, no more excuses tonight
Angan-angan tahi arnab ini perlu dilayankan sebelum bertambah parah
Malam ini nak cerita angan-angan nak ada rumah idaman
Saya tak pasti normal atau tidak fenomena ini
Tapi rasanya masih normal sebab setelah kajian dibuat
Lebih daripada 10 orang mengalami penyakit yang sama
Penyakit kritikal yang tak mampu diubati doktor
Penawarnya hanya dengan mendirikan rumah tangga
Cara-cara mengenal pasti penyakit ini :

Sekiranya anda mempunyai lebih daripada satu tanda2 berikut, maka... SAMALAH KITA ! 

Normal lah tu bila seorang perempuan dah mula lebih matang, selalu sudah mencapai umur lingkungan 20an akan banyak memikirkan hal-hal masa depan, kerjaya, keluarga....
Tapi tak nak cerita pasal kahwin, nanti excited terlebih so cerita pasal rumah idaman...

Ya Allah semoga dipermudahkan urusan untuk memiliki rumah impianku... Ameen

1. Walk-in Wardrobe
Impian sekian lama, nak ada walk-in wardrobe sebab masa kecil-kecil ada tengok cerita disney, tak pasti tajuk apa tapi cerita pasal budak perempuan yang kaya and ada walk-in wardrobe dan sejak hari itu, hati ini terpaut setia kepada impian nak ada yang sama bila dah berumah nanti.

To be honest, these pictures are torturing me right now. I really don't mind if we're going to have a smaller bedroom and a smaller bedroom toilet, I just want a walk-in wardrobe. The idea of having a walk-in wardrobe is just too cool and convenient. Oh please oh please oh please...
2. Cool Child's Room
Okay, whenever girls talk about 'family' of course we're gonna think about children because we just love babies, especially cute and cuddly ones. Pernah tak korang rasa atau fikir... sebab masa kecik-kecik aku tak dapat benda ni, so dah kahwin nanti aku nak bagi macam ni macam tu dekat anak aku,aku nak buat ini buat itu untuk aku dah besar nanti. Same here !
Dulu, for projek kertas 3 Pendidikan Seni Visual SPM, buat replika tadika so banyaklah buat research pasal perabot kanak, bilik kanak, terus otak ni excited. Ishk, kalau ada anak bilik tidur dia nak buat ala-ala princess, eh kalau lelaki buat ala-ala dalam hutan, bla...bla... Seronoknya! Can't wait to have a home, and kids... nak bajet bajet jadi designer bilik kanak-kanak terkenal gitu.
1st Stage : Baby
Baby's room tak nak barang banyak sangat. But I want it to be a special space where it is gonna be safe for the baby to go around the room, play with toys, do whatever he/she wants freely. Tak perlulah duduk diam je dalam cot dengan alasan tak nak anak cedera, dan tak adalah dedah anak kepada macam-macam jenis bahaya bila dia aktif ke sana sini. And, perabot kena cari yang betul-betul convenient so that barang baby semua dalam bilik tu. Simple, convenient but cheerful. Pergh, bajet bajet.

The last one, almost PERFECT 

2nd Stage Kid's - Teenager's Room
So, this is gonna be the stage where we can add more furniture and stuffs into their rooms because they are big enough to take care of themselves. So, I would really want to pamper my children with comfort and love by providing them the best room they could ever have. Just ONE thing, no disney princesses's elements for the girls. The room can be princessy but not disney princess. That is way too mainstream and not cool.

Awwwwwww, can't wait to have kids. 

The more the merrier... LOL
3. The Perfect Kitchen
Asalnya nak tulis pasal library atau gym untuk nombor 3 until I realise. Makanan tu lebih penting daripada ada sudut bacaan atau bilik untuk workout. Seriously ! So, setelah berfikir secara kritis, marilah kita tulis pasal dapur, ruangan yang bakal buat anda kenyang. Yum...yum...!
Kalau rumah biasa usually akan ada 1 dapur, situlah potong-potong, situlah masak-masak dan situlah semuanya berlaku. Kalau rumah bagus sikit, ada lah 2 dapur, satu wet kitchen satu dry kitchen. Tapi zaman sekarang, kalau rumah tu besar sikit, confirm ada lebih 2 kitchen. Bajet bajet rumah omputih gitu..
Maybe some people will question the function of having more than one kitchen, but hey, I have been living in a house with only one kitchen and seriously I understand the crucial need of at least two kitchens. I want my kitchen to be simple and convenient so that it is easy to be managed and easy to find stuffs there.
And, I just love the idea of a bar-like dry kitchen like they have in the US or UK. I think it's gonna be a good idea where while someone in the house cooks, others can sit there to watch or to have a chit chat. Or, the house members or guests can help with the cooking. Awww sounds harmonious.

And the last one, Walla ! The PERFECT one for me ! 

4. A Praying & Reading Room
I really really want a house with a reading room and a praying room. And as I think both obeys the spiritual needs of a person, why not combine? I think it's gonna be a great combination. InsyaAllah bertambah tambah berkat bila belajar dalam bilik tu.

5. Mini Gymnasium
Ooohh Ooohh this is gonna be super cool, to have a gymnasium inside the house. So, with a mini gymnasium in the house, there should be no more excuses to not workout or at least do some light exercise to maintain healthy. It does not have to be a spacious room, it's enough if it can fit a few gym equipment like a treadmill, some dumbells... and etc.And... I don't want any type of cooling system in the room, just windows for ventillation. No fans, no airconds... haha to save electricity and to torture anyone in the room.

Save the last for the BEST ! Ohhh my dream gymnasium ! 

6. Garden
To be honest, I don't really fancy pools or lakes. So, let it be a very colourful garden, with colourful flowers and vegetations. It must have a place for guests or my family ourselves to sit and hang in the garden or have our tea time and a barbecue place ! Yeay !

Awww.... I can imagine having a celebration at my house, and we hang in the garden for a great barbecue. Weeee...
Moral of the story : Ya Allah, let me be a rich person and grant me my prayers to marry someone rich and kind ... Ameen Ya Rabbal Alamin !
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