Indeed it is, and our friendship seems to be forever ;)
We all have different kinds of goals in life.
I, too, have a few goals that I want to achieve in life
And, one of them is absolutely the ultimate FOOD GOALS !
There are so many food that I look forward to bite, munch and swallow !
I mean, just scrolling on the twitter timeline when someone retweets some good food
Makes my tummy grumble like there's an earthquake inside
Not really because I'm hungry, but because the food looks so damn tempting.
And, OMG there are so many great food to be discovered in this world !
WOW, that's two exclamation sign in one paragraph, LOL.
So here's my current food goals (^_^)
1. Custom Magnum

So they have this new Magnum Cafe at KL where you can customize your magnum
The sound of customizing of a delicious ice cream is just AMAZING
Right after my diploma, I am gonna customize my very own
Just can't handle the desire I'm holding on right now for too long.
2. Vase Ice Cream

There's this new trend in Malaysia where people sell ice cream inside flowerpots
And these ice cream are so cool because they are decorated to look exactly
as if you are eating some dirt inside a flowerpot
The dirt is basically cookies of any type (usually oreo)
Beneath the crumbled cookies are assorted flavored ice cream ( according to request )
And as final touch, they would decorate the flowerpot with eatable plants
Some would just plant in some small leaves or flower
The idea is just too cool that I just can't wait to have one !
3. Nasi Rawon

I've heard of this food a lot but have never ever get the chance to taste it
But hey, it looks great so I am positive that it would taste great to
It is said that this food comes from Surabaya, Indonesia
And usually the rice is served with diced beef and variety of spices and sometimes herbs
Ohhh where can I get one :(
4. Yee Sang

Ranked number 4 is the famous colourful Yee Sang
Basically, it is the traditional food of the chinese society
It is the one that they would raise with their chopsticks on Chinese New Year Eve
I guess, I'm just a big sucker for food that is colourful
Really wanna have a taste of it :(
5. Hinava Ginapan

Hinava is a traditional food of the Kadazan Dusun people
And it is almost similar as the Umai of the Sarawakians and conch salad of the Bohemians
So, basically it is a cuisine with citrus splash, some onions, maybe chillies and a few other side touches like celery, bell peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers
Just typing makes me melt...
Kind of get the idea of the taste, but the idea is irrelevant before the taste !
6. Meat Platter
Just saw this picture on @ItsFoodPorn twitter page and I was like
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG what a great platter it is !
Well, I'm sure there's bacon in this platter and I don't eat 'pig' because I'm a muslim
But I'll imagine, that everything in this plate is halal, beef, lamb and chicken or maybe turkey
Yumms! This platter is just great, super duper extremely great.
Greater if served with olives too ! (Love them with pickled chillies)
7. Potato Casserole

A casserole, already sounds amazing
But a twice-baked potato casserole sounds better !
Yes, I am all in for potato dishes.. since forever
They are soft, and can be cooked with almost anything
They can ever be desserts!
But a potato casserole, umm umm ummm !
Add in some minced meat, some chillies, more cheese, some spices and herbs!
I bet that it is gonna be wonderful. *rubbing tummy"
8. Pizza Cake

Behold the great pizza cake!
I found the first pizza cake picture around a year ago and it sure made me speechless!
I mean, it's a few layers of pizza combined as a cake
Be it whatever flavour, the idea is just great !
Please someone please make this for my next birthday !
Wow, this one gets 4 exclamation sign :P
9. Guacamole Dip

I have never ever tasted a guacamole dip before, unfortunately
But it looks so green and tempting :(
How I wish I'd have a taste of a big plate of nachos with guacamole dip, cheesy fries and some meat dish, wow, I'm actually speaking Mexican right now
Please tell me where to get these in Malaysia
*Rubbing tummy some more
10. Jollof Rice
![Jollof rice and plantain [1024x768]](http://www.afrolems.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/dsc_0128-1024x768.jpg)
Now, let me bring you to Africa baby
Look at that, look at that sexy bootylicious looking food
HAHA, but really, this Jollof Rice is hot and sexy !
Well, it is actually just another version of the Nasi Briyani
Only with different spice (African spices baby!) and yeah the side dishes are also different
Africans like to eat this with plantain and salad
Seriously have to learn to cook this one!
Ohhh and Waakye from Ghana too!
They are similar but the rice of Waakye is cooked with beans.
So, yeah, this is 10 out of million food in the world that I really look forward to eat.
Just looking at the pictures and typing this post makes me hungry.
Hope you enjoy this share... yummms the word!
"Part of the secret success in life is to eat what you like" -Mark Twain
22nd January 2015
3 :12 pm