Okay, when I said cupcakes,
I don't really mean "A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically iced."
Seriously no, I mean cupcakes literally...
In my own definition " people who makes my life sweeter and more colorful"
Okay, so now you're getting the picture right?

♥ Qayyum ♥
Okay don't get this wrong
He's my BIG BROTHER :)
And yes, I do love him very very very very much!
Life in the varsity is complicated and he eases them all
ThankQ for everyhting BIG BRO
And... I would just laugh everytime I remember
How we fought...HAHA
But everytime we did, I know we'd forgive each other
Auuwwww, so sweet right ?

♥ Miera ♥
This is my sweetheart Noorsazmira
The best thing about her is that
She looks so damn innocent outside
When she can be so rebellious and lunatic inside
HAHA... and when we hang out
We would do silly things together
I would share sad and happy stories with her
And she'd be a very good listener...
HEART you darling :)

♥ Zaty ♥
Ouh my sweetie Izzati Syahirah
She is super Cool
She would never care about what people say about her
As long as she knows she's right
She teaches me how to be strong and relax
And to ignore all those negative comments people give in our life
And thanks for the crazy moments we had!
Love you sayang... :*

♥ Didi ♥
This is my evil genius!
Haha we'll be a pair of lunatics when we're together
Especially when we're hearing the 'peacock' song
HAHAHA... And I just love your crappy ideas
Crappy and Silly yet good enough to make my day
ThankQ dear...
With love,
♥ LynaAmalina
awhh! so damn touching .. T.T
Hahaha yes,
You people touched my life first <3
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