Monday, January 27, 2014

What Does My Hijab Means To Me ?

So, World Hijab Day is just around the corner
And so, the Student Representative council of UiTM Terengganu
Decided to promote this World Hijab Day by organising several events.
One of the event is to take a picture with your own slogan about hijab.
And so yesterday, we went for a walk as far as 500 m to the lake wearing our fancy dresses just for the sake of a photoshoot to enter the contest
Unfortunately, the contest ended yesterday, before we even manage to upload our pictures
So, I think I wanna share my pictures here in my blog

Have been wearing hijab since the end of 2006 until now
And I don't have plans of removing it
Never ever had the feeling of removing it anyway
Yes, sometimes it's hot, it makes me feel dizzy &  stuffy and all
But I love it, I love how it makes me feel so protected and secure

To be honest, during my primary schooldays
I don't wear the hijab except after mid sem break of primary 6
And at that time, all the ustazs and ustazahs in my school would aim me
They bombarded me with questions... 
"Why don't I wear the hijab to school?" bla..bla..bla
An Ustazah even thought that I didn't wear the tudung because my mom refrained me from doing so
Which is of course not right,
And the curiosity of these Ustazs & Ustazahs became higher
When everytime they ask me questions, I'd just smile with no answer coming out from my mouth
I just don't know what to answer, that's all...

But after I reached my puberty,
I wore the hijab myself, without anyone asking me to do so,
I can still remember the first day I put on my scarf going to public
My dad looked at me and smiled... "Alhamdulillah", he said
Well, my dad is quite a piousner... and I know having 3 daughters sure made him worry
I know he was worried of me getting older but still never even tested the hijab
After the first day of wearing the hijab, I never removed it until now
And Alhamdulillah, same goes to my sisters
Our stories with hijab is similar
Don't practice wearing the hijab before, but after puberty
We decided to make hijab our permanent 'style'.

It is not 'us' that should be praised to
It's our parents, our mum & dad who fed us with sufficient Islamic values
I know some parents would train their children to wear the hijab at such a young age
But different from our parents, they gave us knowledge
They taught us that having to wear the hijab is compulsory when we reach our puberty
They taught us that hijab we need to cover our aurah properly 
They taught us everything we should know
But never ever ever force or ask us to put on the hijab
With the knowledge of the hijab they've given
Alhamdulillah all three of us wears the hijab ourselves after our puberty
This is awkward, having to type puberty like a thousand times..haha

So, what does my hijab means to me?
It means a lot
It means saving my parents & myself from going astray
It means covering my aurah to show my loyalty and faith to the creator
It means protecting myself from danger 
It means sustaining my the beauty given by Allah

Dear sisters out there that haven't yet wear the hijab, come with me. Let's grab Allah's bless by covering ourselves with modest clothes and scarves to cover the hair. Trust me, it won't degrade your beauty :)
Let's wear the hijab :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One Married Ex

So, a few months ago,
My ex sent a message inviting me to his wedding
And I was like, WOW...
He's getting married at the age of 20
And here I am, living my life
Being single for one year & 11 days already

Well, we all have different priorities to settle down first
And in my life, marriage is important
But my education is much much much more imperative
My dad will be retiring at the age of 60 which is another 4 years
So I need to make sure that my education will get me a good job
To help my parents & sisters in the future
Then, I'll think of getting married to my future Zauj ( husband )

So, to Ramli Ahmad & Farra Farhana Ridzuan
Congratulations on your wedding day!
May Allah bless your marriage :)

p/s : Haven't achieve one of my life goals which is attend and ex's wedding
Well, there's still a few more ex left...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Luaran & Dalaman

Bahagianya rasa semalam dapat pergi pasar malam Dungun
Walaupun sesak semacam, bau wangi & masam bercampur baur,
Nafas budak Asthma ni pun macam tak sampai ke jantung,
Biarlah, sekurang-kurangnya lepas rindu kat pasar minggu tu...

Kisahnya semalam ramai sangat orang,
Bila berjalan atau beli makanan di mana-mana stall,
Rasa macam buat tug of war,
Tolak sini, tarik sana, siku sini, lutut sana.

Masa beli ayam panggang,
Beg terjatuh masa nak bayar,
Automatic jerit... "Teddy Bear Kotor !"
Sebab ada teddy bear comel tergantung dekat zip beg tu...

Alolor comelnya dia...
Okay, sambung cerita...
Gelabah sangat teddy bear kotor, masa kibas2 kepala teddy
Beg tu jatuh semula ke jalan tar,
Sampai jahitan kepala teddy tu terbuka separuh
Sedih sangat perasaan masa tu
Sehinggalah saya tersedar sesuatu....

Astaghfirullah ! Phone ada dalam beg !
Ada dua phone, Nokia dengan iPhone...
Tapi risaukan iPhone la, bukan sebab harganya banding dengan Nokia
Tapi Nokia tu, baling tingkat satu pun insyaAllah selamat
iPhone yang dibalut kaca tu, bila2 boleh retak
Barulah gelabah buka, check elok ke tidak phone2 

Okay, the end. Simple kan cerita?
Haha... ada mesej tersembunyi sebenarnya cerita ni
Sedar tak sedar, kita sebagai manusia lebih suka tumpukan pekara luaran berbanding dalaman?
Sebab apa? Sebab kita nampak jelas apa yang ada di luar...
Kita tak nampak apa yang ada di dalam...
Yelah, kalaulah perut kita ni lutsinar, nampak semua usus besar, usus kecil
Ramai yang pitam tengok nanti...

Begitulah penyakit antara kita hari ini,
Bila nak keluar rumah, kita akan touch up luaran kita sehabis baik
Pakai sunblock, pakai krim, foundation, bedak dan sebagainya untuk muka
Kita pakai baju yang cantik & kemas
Kita nak luaran kita tampak berseri dilihat orang lain
Sampai kadangkala, kita terus lupa nak jaga yang di dalam (Qalb/hati)

Contohnya, bila kita accident jatuh motor,
Luka di lutut, di siku, di dagu...
Sibuklah kita cuci bersih2, kita sapu minyak, kita tampal dia...
Luka dah kering, dah tanggal kuping,
Sapu pulak krim nak hilangkan parut..
Bimbang kalau nanti nampak hodoh...
Tapi pernah tak dengar kes, orang accident tak teruk
Tapi 1-2 minggu kemudian kena pergi hospital
Makanan masuk muntah semula, senak perut setiap masa
Sebab apa? Sebab ada luka dalaman...
Yang sebab mereka tak nampak, mereka rasa tak perlukan rawatan

Dah mula nampak tak apa yang saya cuba sampaikan? *winkwink

Ramai antara kita terlalu taksub dengan kecantikan luaran 
Sampai kita lupa kecantikan dalaman itu sebenarnya yang lebih penting
Apakah bangga, menjadi cantik di mata manusia tetapi buruk di mata Allah?
Saya tak minta anda jadi selekeh, jadi tak terurus asalkan hati anda baik
Jauh sama sekali daripada agenda sebenar saya menulis malam ini

Apa yang saya nak cuba sampaikan sebenarnya adalah
Di samping menjaga kecantikan luaran, jagalah juga kecantikan dalaman
Kecantikan seseorang bukan setakat cantik di wajahnya
Tetapi juga pada murni & luhurnya budi dalam diri
Apalah guna wajah yang cantik & bersih kalau hati busuk & buruk?
Mendengki sana sini, tak suka bila orang lain bahagia

Kecantikan luaran itu akhirnya akan pudar, 
Sedikit demi sedikit dimamah masa, ditelan usia
Kecantikan dalam itu akan kekal selama-lamanya,
Baik budi dikenang, Murni diri diingati :)