Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Dusty Dusty

Dusty dusty

Guess that I have been so busy adjusting to degree life
That I have left out my blog just like this, dusty, old...vintage
If it's not because of a story-like assignment that I have to do this semester
The fermentation process of this blog page would be longer I presume 


When I first started this blog, 
Social media was literally nothing compared to blogs!
Blogs were eveything!
You're really cool in school if you have blog.
I remember those days when myspace or friendster wasn't the most visited page
I'd blog, and think about what interesting things to blog
We'll have a traffic counter at the sidebar
And hell yes we'll get really damn excited when someone from overseas read our blog
I actually had a couple of blogposts which are "overseas" favourite
And then competing with other bloggers to make the best blog interface
I usually don't use themes because I prefer to be different
So.... what did I do?
At the age of 14, I learned how to customize HTML codes
And now, at the age of 22, not only my blog is vintage, my memories are as well
And then I can still remember the great blogger community that I joined
Well there's a lot actually, usually depending on what you blog and your age
Don't know why but I usually mingle with those of older age... 
And then there's blog celebrities!
One of the still-famous would be Ben Ashaari, then there's my school Biology teacher haha
And.... my school's "makcik dobi" (which is still blogging anyway)
I remember learning how to use blog widgets (apps) trying to make my blog interesting
Put in some songs, some greeting generator, some cool animations
OHHHHHH Those days.... How I miss them


Not sure if anyone nowadays still blogs actively (besides that makcik dobi)
Or if anyone still read blogs actively (which I sometimes do)
But I guess, this is a good start for me to start back,
To start writing, and sharing in the form of writing
Yeah, I started a Vlog which only has 2 videos because it is still young
But it's different, Vlog... Blog
Blog gives you more freedom, like you can write freely
Just let the emotions and the words flow freely through your fingers
Basically on vlog, it is more preferable to talk about hippy stuff
Stuff which is in trend like makeups, celebrities, more makeups
I guess, this is the point... the right point, right time
I'm gonna start blogging again... (praying for consistency!)
Not gonna care if anyone wants to read this anyway
But I'm gonna blog for my own satisfaction
I'm gonna share what I wanna share (in a controlled and mature manner)
I wanna share things about my life... what I do, what is up
Ok, I will :)

Enough ranting for today,

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